Monday, May 17, 2010

They just might be on to something....

with this whole woman's cycle thing. Today has been crap. But I cant neccessarily say it was all me and how I chose to deal with my emotions. People are fucking stupid and they are everywhere and seem to multiply by the millions everyday.

My emotional state, or I guess lack thereof, started yesterday evening, after taking the kids back to their dad's. Like that isnt depressing enough in itself, I then got to my parents to download the pictures of the fabulous weekend we shared together, only to find out that the memory card I had saved money on to buy is all jacked up in some nonsensical type of way that I nor my father can figure out. Yippee. Whatever - who needs to see that I actually do stuff with my kids anyway - I know - thats all that matters right. Whatever. Fucking memory card.

Went home and for some reason last night was a lot more lonely than usual - even with Sgt Pepper. It just seemed really quiet, so quiet I couldnt sleep. Bleh

I woke up from a horrible dream of vomiting, only to find myself in the awake world doing the same. Skittles and poopoo. I would love to drown my sorrows tonight and probably go out and do something wreckless, stupid, illegal and possibly fatal. Turn this horrible day into a drunken night of ignorant bliss.

I will end this positive blog on a positive note. PEOPLE ARE FUCKING STUPID AND I THINK THEY SHOULD BE SHOT FOR IT, or atleast be used to test out possible harmful drugs with really bad side effects.


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